Community Discussions
Which language do you think is the furthest from English?
In other words, which language makes its native speakers face the greatest challenge when learning English, or vice versa?
Do those sentences depend of the context?
I understand that the second sentence implies that the father die and thats why the action doesn't continue (by the meme of course). But native speakers automatically think like that or you would say that u need more context and so you think that the father did something and that's it? I'm trying to understand if the meaning by sentences like that (without the image of course) could be misinterpreted
How do you call the person who is ignorant/unskilled in his work?
Hello, everyone! We have an amazing word in Russian "рукожоп", it literally can be translated as "someone with his arms growing out of the ass". This is a completely unskilled, clumsy and ignorant peson, doing his work with terrible results, and he goes "I did it for the whole my life" or "It will be fine anyway". I discovered the word "cack-handed" but don't sure if it outdated. How do you call this peson?
Are natives able to understand Eminem-like rap music?
Five alternatives to 'because'
laughing in English is strange to me
so, in my country (Brazil) we laugh using "kkkkkkkk" or "kakakakakak" etc, and the classic "hahahaha" that is used in english, in my mind sounds like a villain laugh, and this is so strange to me, just want to share this difference
what english words always mess you up?
English has some words that are really confusing. For me, it’s "borrow" and "lend." I always said "Can you borrow me a pen?" and didn’t realize it was wrong until someone corrected me. Another one is "fun" and "funny." I used to say something was funny when I just meant it was fun. It still gets me sometimes. What about you? Are there any words in English that confuse you no matter how much you practice? I’m curious if we share the same struggles
What is the difference between young and teenager ?
Why is it "were" and not "was"? I thought days are singular?
Why is there “at” here?