
Community Discussions

What's the opposite of cash money? [US]

If a person has no cash on them, only money on their card, what would a possible dialogue sound like? – You got some cash? – Nah, only XXX. (digital? card money? electronic? bank funds? or is there no term for it in the regular language?) Thank you everyone!

β€’Last comment 9 days ago

Does this sentence sound dirty?

I'm reading a book about natural hazards. The topic is flash floods, but I am unsure if it sounds weird out of context. "..., peak discharge can be reached in less than 10 minutes."

β€’Last comment 11 days ago

Do British people use phrasal verbs more often than Americans?

I've noticed that when I read novels by British authors, I come across more phrasal verbs than in American ones.

β€’Last comment 12 days ago

β€œI gapped in 2023.” Does this sound natural to mean I didn’t take any courses in 2023? Thanks.


β€’Last comment 13 days ago

Why do I get asked if I'm Brit or Australian, when I've been influenced my whole life by American media? Not to say that I lived in the US https://voca.ro/1nYtWHyHcxROfor 7 years.

The title people. I'm a NNES who lived in the US for nearly 7 years. Since I came back to my home country, I've had exposure to the language on a daily basis. I work with International Sales and have built a solid corporate career at international companies. This might be the only reason people ask me if I'm Australian or brittish. I work with people from all corners of the world, including a few colleagues from the UK and lots of Japanese. What's your take? Do I sound British at all? P.s: I find the British RP accent gorgeous and sexy but I really think i don't anything of in my accent. My "r"s, the tt.... I don't know everything is different. Maybe the Magic E? I do say hooooope, stoooole, liiiike etc. Don't ask me why I do. I just do and I don't even know how and when I started doing. I think I've picked up people's accent over these last years working in a very international environment. https://voca.ro/1nYtWHyHcxRO

β€’Last comment 19 days ago

Dating down VS passport Bros

I heard those terms many times in my English learning Journey, my question is: is people using those terms negatively or positively? Is it normal to say that I am a Passport Bros etc? Is there a fight over those terms? πŸ‘Œ However, I want to improve my English with native speakers only. I can help with Arabic in return. Please DM me.

β€’Last comment 22 days ago
Jarring used to describe touch?

Jarring used to describe touch?

Can jarring be used to describe touch? What are examples?

β€’Last comment 24 days ago
what does this β€œdiddy” mean? and would any native speaker get sort of idea what the whole thing this video is from this thumbnail?

what does this β€œdiddy” mean? and would any native speaker get sort of idea what the whole thing this video is from this thumbnail?


β€’Last comment 25 days ago

Why 'W' is double U

Not double V

β€’Last comment 29 days ago

Is "write me" incorrect?

A lot of learners use the verb to write to mean to text or to message... i used to say it but the native speakers never corrected me and then i realised that the native speakers dont really say that

β€’Last comment about 1 month ago
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