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“I gapped in 2023.” Does this sound natural to mean I didn’t take any courses in 2023? Thanks.



No. No one would ever say that. “I took a gap year” or “I took a year off.”
It's common in the uk to use gapped as a verb to mean taking a gap year specifically
I'd say "Took a gap year", rather than gapped.
lol no do not say that. It just sounds wrong. ‘I took a gap year’
*took/did a gap year.* “Gapped” sounds weird and a little vulgar tbh
In context it makes sense, but you’re shortening it to the point that without context it doesn’t work. You should just say you took a gap year.
The verb form of gap is gape, but I’m pretty sure that still would not mean what you want to say.
"I took a gap year in 2023." Gapped is not a word.
Everyone here is telling you it's not at all natural, and I guess they're right. But funnily enough everyone who took a gap year in my university used exactly that phrase. I guess it was just a sort of limited sociolect.
No, this is not something people say
I can't say I've ever heard "gap" used as a verb.
Absolutely not. Say "I took a gap year in 2023." This doesn't mean anything at least in US English, and at worst sounds like a sex thing.
I am amazed that even though "gapped" is not a vulgar term at all (as far as I'm aware, but slang marches fast), everyone in this thread seems to agree that it sounds vaguely nasty in this context. Myself included. Maybe because it sound a bit like "gaped," which is faintly gross? Or maybe because any contextless word has a tendency to be seen as referencing sexuality (perhaps because of some implicature or another), I don't know. But, yeah, you'd say "I took a gap year" (mostly British, but also sometimes heard in the United States) or "I took a year off" (much more common in the United States). "I gapped in 2023" would, at best, be incomprehensible to an English speaker, and at worst would get a startled "what?" from those who assumed it was a sex thing.
I would personally say "I took a gap year."