
Community Discussions

Hod to read and do not get frustrated?

A lot of people says that reading is an excellent way to improve your vocabulary, your gramatic, your English level in general.The problem is when I don't understand many words in a row and I start to feel uncomfortable when I'm reading. Does anybody have advices or tips to quit this feeling?

β€’Last comment 4 days ago
What does that mean

What does that mean


β€’Last comment 19 days ago
This is a mistake, right?

This is a mistake, right?


β€’Last comment 23 days ago

"How does he/she look?" vs "What does he/she look like?"

In which circumstances should I use each sentence? Normally, I'd use the second one to understand someone's physical appearance (Is she tall? What does the criminal look like?), whereas I'd use the first one to know if someone is looking sick, unwell, hurt, et cetera (Is he sick? Did he injure himself? How does he look?). Is my usage correct? And, is there any other way to use these sentences?

β€’Last comment 26 days ago

Do you guys actually know when to use present/past perfect?

I mean I know that in some cases it is pretty clear I should use it, as in: "Have you ever been to Brazil?". But in general I'm not quite sure how to use it. I know what it expresses but it feels so abstract to me, usually I just use it when I feel that it sounds right

β€’Last comment about 1 month ago
What's a slew? Are there words missing? I'm hella confused?

What's a slew? Are there words missing? I'm hella confused?


β€’Last comment about 1 month ago

Could you guys tell me some random words/idioms that are essentials or never heard before? Thanks

Just wanna learn new stuffs here

β€’Last comment about 1 month ago

Do British people use phrasal verbs more often than Americans?

I've noticed that when I read novels by British authors, I come across more phrasal verbs than in American ones.

β€’Last comment about 1 month ago

Wants or Want?

I don't understand those two examples at all, maybe some of you can help me understand. "Our dog wants [....]" Why is it wants here? Can someone please explain this to me so I won't make the mistake again? "My wife want [....]" Same with this, I don't understand why it's want. My English app wasn't giving me an explanation to them it just told me that I was wrong.

β€’Last comment about 2 months ago

Dating down VS passport Bros

I heard those terms many times in my English learning Journey, my question is: is people using those terms negatively or positively? Is it normal to say that I am a Passport Bros etc? Is there a fight over those terms? πŸ‘Œ However, I want to improve my English with native speakers only. I can help with Arabic in return. Please DM me.

β€’Last comment about 2 months ago
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