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What does "Go Figure!" mean?

From what I understand that there are two different meanings. 1. Used sarcastically for something obvious. (Kind of like saying no sh\*t bruh). Example: Person A: The sky is blue. Person B: Go figure! 2. Something that's hard to understand. Example: Despite the dish not having any flavor, it still tasted good. Am I right or am I missing something? Which one is more used? TIA!


You're correct about the meaning but I think more people use it seriously than sarcastically.
I mainly hear it used sarcastically like your first example or for generally surprising/unexpected information. Ex: Turns out that pickle-flavored popcorn is actually kinda good. Go figure! (Alternatively, 'Who knew?')
Go figure = No kidding. Sarcasm or surprise.
Number 1 is spot on (100% correct) Number 2 would be more an expression of surprise. You wouldn’t expect a tasteless (bland) dish to be good, but it was. Go figure.
It’s an ironic way of saying “that is not a surprise to me, nor should it be to you”.
Those aren't really two different meanings. It's just that sarcasm involves saying the opposite of what you mean.
You were spot on with the first one! "Go figure" is extremely sarcastic. It's like the phrase "No shit, Sherlock" without the use of profanity and is slightly less rude. However, "Go figure" is used when someone says something stupid, surprising, or strange. 1. Surprising She never studied for her exams, but she always got the highest grades. Go figure. 2. Strange The restaurant was completely empty, but they told us there was a 30-minute wait. Go figure. 3. Stupid He quit his job without having another one lined up, and now he’s complaining about being broke. Go figure.
More the second one than anything. I’ve never heard it used sarcastically as in the first one. “They lost every game I bet on but won as soon as I stopped betting.” “Go figure!” Edit: here are three separate dictionaries that support your second definition and only your second definition. [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/go%20figure) [Cambridge](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/go-figure) [Oxford](https://www.oed.com/search/dictionary/)
I’ve used and heard “go figure” both sarcastically as in your first example and as another way of saying something like “I wouldn’t have guessed that” or similar. >”You remember that tree that we were told was a lemon tree but thought it looked weird? Turns out it’s a peach tree!” “Go figure!” (I never would have guessed it was a peach tree instead of lemon tree!) I’ve also used and heard it as a replacement for “I’m not surprised.” >”We found out it was Dave that put the wrong ink in the printer.” “Go figure.” (I’m not surprised it was Dave since he’s known to not pay attention.)
It’s a particularly USA phrase. You won’t hear anyone from the other main Anglo nations use it. I haven’t the foggiest how it’s supposed to be used.
The literal meaning fits your second usage best. It's an expression of surprise, like "No kidding". But I only ever hear it used ironically, which means it's used to express the exact opposite-- that something is so obvious it shouldn't have needed to be said.
A sarcastic way of saying this is exactly what l expected. I was literally thinking of this term yesterday and how to explain it
Mainly used as a sarcastic or rude response to things. Doesn't have to be directed at anyone, and isn't always rude, but it's typically a "no surprise" or "no shit, sherlock" response to things. I think generally speaking, it is mostly used as a "I should've known" and then context and tone can direct what they mean. ex) "I should've known." "You should've known! What were you thinking!" "You should've known that." etc. etc. The tone and attitude of how you say "go figure" really dictates which one of these sentences you are sort of implying. "I went home and saw my son playing video games again. Go figure. I should've known that he would do that." (in this context "go figure" is seen as disappointing and a little sarcastic.) A: "I started my car, and drove it for 100 miles. I then ran out of gas, can you believe that?" B: "Go figure, huh?!" go figure in this instance is a response to someone saying that they were surprised that they ran out of gas after driving their car for a long time. It should've been obvious that would happen. So the "go figure" here is a sarcastic response to them, which is sort of rude. All and all, the term "go figure" is honestly sort of an advanced English phrase now that I think about it. It relies heavily on context, tone, and the particular situation it is used in. Edit: saying "Go figure!" as a way to say "Who knew!" is also very common. Also very common for people to say "Go figure" referring to "Who knew!" being sarcastic. Look at my second example. Saying "Go figure!" is a sarcastic response saying "Who knew!", implying that you "should've known" and also implying that you are foolish for not knowing. But context behind what you are talking about dictates that. "Ketchup chips are really good! Go figure!" - makes sense as this typically is not an obvious pairing to most Americans. So it is a little bit of a surprise, therefore "Who knew!" aka "Go Figure!"
It comes from the meaning of “figure = think about, ponder” But it is idiomatic and basically means the same as “who would have thought that?” Or an expression of surprise and bewilderment. (Which can be sarcastic, or true.)
I feel like this is a very US-specific expression. I never hear it in the UK and doubt it would be immediately understood.
Here’s an interesting page about where it came from: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/25103/meaning-of-go-figure-and-its-origin
Note: Almost any phrase or word can be used sarcastically. It’s all about attitude, environment and comfort level. Some things are more often sarcastic than not, but this is a sign of the social norms which change over time. Such as, “really?” I suspect it’s used with sarcasm 99.999% of the time by adults. With kids, they aren’t sure if someone is joking around when they hear something novel so they may say “really?” with authenticity because they don’t have the experience to figure it out! (Go figure!) 🤣