This headline sounds a little off to me. Wouldn’t it sound better if it were “Trump won’t impose tariffs on Canada and other countries right away”? Why was the comma chosen here?
It's just one of the conventions of headline language, a holdover from the days of physical newspapers where every letter counted with regards to fitting on the page. There are some other conventions one gets used to like dropping articles (a, an, the) and the verb to be.
This is an example of [headlinese](
Headlines are written in a slightly altered version of English where they drop articles, replace conjunctions with punctuation and so on. The purpose was to shorten the headline to its absolute minimum comprehensible length, which has some advantages in print media: you can use a bigger font size in the same space and you reduce typesetting costs.
The print advantages don't necessarily translate to electronic media (electrons are quite cheap, it turns out) but the custom remains, a relic of its time.
Look up the term, “*headlinese*”.
Headlines generally do not follow standard grammar rules.
Don’t use headlines as a guide to proper English. They use a special shortened version that people understand even tho it’s not correct.
A common usage in newspaper article headlines to save space.
This is "headlinese". It's a writing style that originally developed to save space in newspapers.
Because it is a newspaper headline. They do this frequently to save space.
Shouldn't be a comma nor an and, it should be "nor".
"Or" would actually be better.
Please, don’t remind me that this halfwit holds the presidency in my country. I implore you, please, at least leave out its visage in the future.
Just to add that headlinese isn’t used in British English. When I first encountered it as an English adult I’d was very confused. British newspapers just do it differently.
This is how it's done in American English. It's not used in British English