never heard of "moving weird" tbh. "acting weird" makes sense. Maybe moving weird means they're becoming "more weird". I'm not sure.
What was the meme actually referencing? Im a native speaker but without context I assume it’s an inside joke that I’m on the outside of.
Was Obama acting weird at some point?
I assume they mean they’re literally moving weird.
acting weird
I have never heard this expression in my life.
Acting in a strange manner with increased frequency. “Moving” is metaphorical.
Like actually and literally moving weird, maybe waddling
this strikes me as being a joke about zombie movies, or "skinwalkers," or some similar trope. "moving weird" means generally behaving in an off-putting way.
In slang “to be moving ___” typically means to be acting/behaving a certain way, or to be advancing in a certain way. At least on Tik Tok it is popularly used that way. Another common example is found in American rap when they say “I be moving silently”. They often don’t mean literally walking really quietly, they most commonly mean that they are advancing/bettering their financial situation, or advancing/bettering their position against a rival such as another gang. In your case though, it most likely means that the friend is acting weird and the others in the group are trying to figure out what to do with him.
Being weird
I think “moving weirdly” would be correct?
Without more context it's impossible to say. It might make sense with more context but without context it sounds very odd.
I will never understand what compels people on this sub to make wild guesses about the meaning of slang they have never heard and don't understand instead of... not doing that... You don't have to have the answer to every question. It's okay.
This is bad grammar, it should say "moving weirdly". The meme doesn't make much sense to begine with, afaik they just mean the person is behaving strangely, perhaps like they are on drugs or a little crazy.
probably acting in a way that's not perceived or expected by the group. Like, suddenly eating veggies when the boys know you're a little bitch when it comes to it
Never heard of this before. I don’t think it’s very common
I read it as acting weird -- "a move" is generally synonymous with "an action" in casual speech.