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For native speakers, is the word huzz a bad word or just another way to say hottie



Sorry, never heard it.
It’s just an Instagram/Tiktok thing, no one actually says it.
Its apparently derived from "hoes," so it's as good or bad a word as you consider the word "whores." Of course no one would claim "hoe" hits as hard as "whore" but I've never been called either one, so I'm not the ideal judge for this.
It's like saying "Chicks" or "Girls". I don't like the word because I think it has that sort of "Hot" connotation.
Technically it's slang for hussy, but it's typically used in a joking manner and I wouldn't consider it to be a bad word.
Never heard it, but it might be new slang I just don't know. Midwest US.
Pretty much just a term used as a joke online or maybe in person between friends. It is not a serious term
“Huzz” was created on tiktok recently along with a batch of “uzz” suffix words for groups or types of people one would be interested in. It originated by combining “hoes” with “rizz”, so “where the huzz at?” translates to “where are the hoes that I can rizz up”. “hoes” in this context is not derogatory, as it replaces “women, girls” for slang purposes. This goes for other words invented in said batch, such as “gruzz” - grandma huzz, “bruzz” - bro huzz. it’s joke slang and is not used seriously as of now So answering your question: It’s a good word as a joke, and yes it can refer to a hottie
I thought it was short for husband, but maybe I'm just getting huzz and hus confused
no normal person says huzz in actual normal conversations unless ur fucking around with friends. it means hoes but it’s not really as bad as saying hoes? doesn’t have that same connotation, but still, don’t say it to people unless ur fucking around with friends (hopefully gen z…)
It's like slang, tiktok word. It means more like hottie I guess.
Idk how noone heres heard it, it was funny on tik tok for a while it was never serious. I never liked it but i never liked hottie either, so
It’s a part of teen slang. So it’s a legit word to use if you are twelve or thirteen. By the time you are sixteen you should abandon it for more traditional English. Some teen slang does become legitimate language. And in English, teen slang is our richest source of new and versatile words. Teen slang is also great at repurposing old and semi abandoned words. But it’s not a place for an English learner to tread.
I've never heard "huzz". It kind of sounds like "hussy", which is definitely an insult, but that's the kind of word you hear in centuries-old comedy plays, not in daily life. 😅
I’ve never heard anyone use that word.
i’ve heard of it but i have no idea if it’s good or bad. simply look on urban dictionary and you’re good.
I can tell you myself as part of the gen where this term originated it’s not a bad word. It doesn’t even really carry a meaning of a good looking person, just a woman in general. But you should know that this is only used with high schoolers so if you’re over the age of ~19 people will probably think you’re too old to be saying dumb internet slang.