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B doesn't make sense. Turkey wants to be in the EU and they're emphasizing the fact that it'd suck for everyone? No. C is the correct answer.
Why would this question be racist
Why would it be racist
C is correct. B doesn't make sense because "Turkey is committed to pursuing European Union membership". It wouldn't make sense to want to do that, while thinking it doesn't benefit anyone. Its not racist, but the teacher is maybe being political by trying to say it's B. Maybe they're against Turkey joining the EU and that's why they marked you as wrong, even though you're right.
B makes no sense.
What makes it racist in your understanding? The word "underlines"? Are you misunderstanding what the word means? It is not the same as underlings. OK, under-lines is to draw a line under a word often to emphasize the word. And under-lings means someone or some people that are below other people as far as value or worth. That would make versions of this sentence to be racist. Not sure if this is the misunderstanding or not. Forgive me if I got that wrong, I'm just confused.
C is the correct answer. E *could* be correct if it read: not only / but also
It is c. Why b
C is the answer. I can't detect anything racist in the statement.
The answer is C and it's not racist, no. B would only be correct if the question was changed slightly to be against the idea of Turkey joining the EU: "Joining the EU would benefit 'neither Turkey or the EU'
Only B or C make sense, and given the context is positive, it’s almost certainly C.
C is correct. The rest are not. I see nothing racist.
C is correct, nothing racist here.
1. A would imply that only one would benefit - thus surely Turkey would be more hesitant. 2. B would imply neither would benefit - thus why would Turkey want it. 3. C implies both benefit - and thus it makes sense for Turkey to want it. 4. D just doesn't make grammatical sense. 5. E makes sense... but would be the other way round for emphasis with likely with a "too" at the end as it seems obvious that Turkey would want something that benefits itself, but it needs to convince the EU that it is to the EU's benefit also. The "benefit not only... but..." construction assumes that the first entry is already known to benefit but the second entry is arguable. I guess it depends if the leader of Turkey is speaking to their citizens or to the EU. You are correct - C makes the most sense here.
A, b and c are grammatically correct. Only c makes logical sense. A would be too truthful.
I'm guessing that whomever graded this exam doesn't know what the word "accession" means.
If your teacher said "B," then your teacher is injecting politics into English class. It's not necessarily racist, though. The non-racist explanation is that your teacher has a strong, negative opinion about how Turkey's President Erdogan & Justice Party has rejected the EU ideal of liberalism. Either way, though, your teacher should have just written a normal, non-political question where good things "benefit ... both/and", or where bad things "benefit ... neither / nor."
It might be cut from some political commentary and other options are just to make up the numbers.
Daha fazla ingilizce kas, burada ırkçılık ne alaka
Ur teacher got the wrong answer
C is the answer, if it's been 'corrected' as B the marker is incorrect imo.
You need to calm down how is it racist
The answer is C. B would also be grammatically correct but doesn’t make sense as Turkey would not say it was pursuing EU membership but that membership would be of no benefit.
It's another bad question. But anyway... Grammatically, D and E are invalid. It's a positive statement, so the context strongly implies[1] that B is invalid, because they're both negative. I'm sure that the "correct" answer required is C, because that's entirely positive, and fits well. However, I can see nothing wrong with A; based on the information given, it is reasonable to think that a country could be positive about something which may benefit *either one* of the potential benefactors. Option C is "more beneficial", but we shouldn't be faced with that decision. [1] Technically, B *could* be correct. If we disregard all outside information, it is feasible that some-random-country could be committed to something which results in those specific negative outcomes. I.e. Turkey could be thrilled that going ahead wouldn't benefit either the EU or itself. But that's a stretch. --- I don't consider it racist. It's a theoretical example, it's not claiming to be a factual statement. We could debate the **grammatical** aspects of Hitler's *Mein Kampf* without any racial connotations.
also, be careful of not confusing racism with xenophobia, but it’s neither unless you choose to make it so, and authoritarianism is not either of those either, if it were the case
That’s a crazy political question to put in an English quiz. What was your teacher thinking? The answer depends on your own views.
Racist isn't the right word but my mother is a cypriot whom hates turkey so she would probably agree with OP lmao
My teacher is a national socialist btw but humanist and good hearted man
Whoever graded it was racist
As no one else has mentioned it, I will point out that the country in question changed its official name in English to the Republic of Türkiye back in 2022, although this spelling has not yet been fully adopted in mainstream English usage.
Grammatically, only C makes sense. Teacher or key was wrong.
guys i think OP is saying they’ve been told the correct answer is B and they’re wondering why? not sure how it’s racist though.
If you're going to make a fake test with fake marking, you might want to use two different pens.
B is not the correct answer.
Idk if racist is the appropriate term here but perhaps inherently xenophobic But even that feels like a reach here
There is literally nothing about race in the question anywhere 😂
It’s C, but why would it be racist? It’s not B because that weirdly implies Turkey wants to join the EU but considers it a bad thing.
how is that racist? is there some objection you have to alliances?
I am so confused. This statement is saying that Turkey wants to join the EU, and that joining the EU would (B) benefit both Turkey and the EU. This is not racist and B is the correct answer. I don't see why everyone is saying C is the correct answer, unless I'm missing something? ETA: accession means being added or joining something, in this case Turkey being added to the EU.
B makes no sense. Why would Turkey be ‘fully committed’ to something that does not benefit Turkey at all? 
B would only make sense if there had been a new subject included in the second clause who is against Turkey joining the EU. I don't think it's racist, as there can be a number of reasons someone wouldn't want a country to join the EU which have nothing to do with race. If someone believes the politics in Turkey are antithetical to EU politics, that wouldn't be a racist opinion. Politics can have something to do with race, but don't always have something to do with race.
People are taking this too seriously. It was probably a joke.
C all the way.
C is correct, if that's a teacher or whoever corrected it to B he seems to be an idiot
The statement is according to turkey so C is the correct answer
Who told you the answer is B? Well, it's C honey
I'm a native English speaker and looking through the comments is confusing to me... I must be missing something critical bc the way I'm reading this is that C should be correct? Here's my thought process: >First clause - Turkey wants to join the EU >Second clause - They underline (emphasize) that its accession (gaining membership) would benefit *both* the EU *and* Turkey. Politics aside, it sounds here like Turkey is trying to say joining is a benefit to both parties meaning C should be the right choice, while B says the total opposite? what am I missing?
I know the government has asked that “Türkiye” be the spelling used now - maybe that’s where the racist question comes from?
Should be c..
The answer is C. I have absolutely no idea how this could be construed as racism.
The question isn't saying anything about reality. The correct answer is what *Turkey* should say to make a convincing argument (That's not B though; C should be correct)
English teacher here. The correct answer is C. The word “underlines” refers to the fact that Turkey makes a point to remind everyone of the benefits of it joining the EU. It would make no sense for the answer to be B. It would take away all meaning.
C or E are the only two logical answers to this question. B does not make much sense in context and anyone who would answer B would realistically be pushing their own political ideologies or know more context than what is shown above.. Therefore, without this context, C and E are the correct answers. Option B of "neither/nor" would only be true if, with previous context, their union was based on a zero sum outcome, which realistically would erode the whole purpose of joining in the first place. "Turkey is committed to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" meaning Turkey is the subject of discussion. Therefore, when discussing something they want to do, it would be from their perspective which is going to be in their best interest. So from the subject perspective, it would be the positive, not negative, and arguably unlikely to be neutral as 'B' could be interpreted.
B gave me a chuckle. Btw, I liked how they underlined the word "underlines", literally underlined.
The geopolitical shitposting subs are gonna have some fun with this.
Sometimes we need to accept that we can't always go by the semantic content 😩 it's on the test author
Racist?? ![gif](giphy|fd1TSJqq3b4GI)
Because there's a typo in the answer key. C is correct.
If B made any sense, i would call it politically charged, not racist. You can dislike a government all you like.
It's actually F: not, but
C is the only one that makes sense. B would be under*m*ining, not under*l*ining.
It seems possible that the question writer misused the word "underlines" and meant something like "undermines" (or, as a better choice for the sentence, "downplays the idea"). Making that switch, answer B would make more sense than the others.
maybe your professor is racist! 😂 B or C are correct.
I'd say the answer is C, but I have no idea how this question is racist.
How on earth could this question be racist
Can't be B, does not make sense
All of them are technically grammatically correct except D, but none of them make sense to actually say except for C.
A is grammatically fine but kind of silly. B is grammatically fine - but incredibly silly. There's simply no way the intention is for Turkey to say "we'd like to join the EU, and it's not going to help either of us." C is reasonable. D is ill-formed. E is ill-formed.
It isn’t, B is wrong. C is the right answer.
The answer is C. Why they emphasized B is odd. It's rather unprofessional if they are supposed to be an English instructor.
C is the correct answer
In no way do I see this come across as racist… Maybe the OP is confused about the meaning of “racism.”
Who the hell is your teacher? They said that B is right? If they did they should quit teaching English. C is the only correct answer.
The answer is C. B is the opposite. I'm not sure of the context, and don't understand how race is involved?
The answer B would make sense if we were talking about Turkey blocking another country from joining the EU. But not if it's talking about itself. Like e.g.:
It’s not B though And I recognise this exam, this question was written by a Turkish person, why would they be racist towards their own selves?
A, B, and C would all be grammatically correct. But C is the only one that makes sense given the context. Unless Turkey has leadership that hates their country. Which I suppose is possible. Their current leadership is pretty awful and has turned their back on the principles of their founding.
You can't be racist against Turks.
i guess the teacher is Turkish, these people are very nationalistic and prideful and think their nation is above anyone else, yet tell others to be tolerant and multicultural lol. So I see why he said B.
To "underline" means the presenter or speaker is emphasizing something. In this case, Turkey is emphasising (underlining) the fact that the EU would benefit from the relationship (perhaps by improved tourism experiences in Turkey, and easier business opportunities for companies with Turkish customers). Turkey would benefit by joining a larger, more stable economy and having more job opportunities for their citizens (due to the visa program EU countries participate in). The choices in Answer B are the exact opposite of this sentiment and would invalidate the overall statement being made in the sentence. B suggests that joining the EU would hurt Turkey; and there are reasons people will argue not to join the EU but those arguments would use negative consequences as their example.
My personal opinion looking at Turkish politics also is "B" - but that's just my opinion ...
B is the answer that white racists would likely choose.
A doesn’t really make sense logically, but the grammar pattern is good. B doesn’t make sense logically, but the grammar patter is good. C works both ways D works neither way E makes sense logically, bit grammatically I’d add an ‘also’ after the ‘but.’ C is the best answer
It's not racist at all and don't know why you would think that, it's standard multiple choice questions that gives you all the options and I don't know why everyonr is saying C. E is the correct answer, apparently this reddit is filled with morons lol
Do you know what racist means?j
C is correct. B makes it sound like a joke line in a monologue on a political late night show.
Why on Earth (or Europe) would that be racist??
No. Not racist.
How is that racist??? Please explain what you find offensive about it. Do you genuinely believe that there's anything even remotely racist in B? Go touch some grass jfc
A, B, and C are all grammatically correct but only C makes sense in context. B is especially illogical.
Greek teacher?
Accession is a word I have never used in my entire life
So you're from Turkey? It sounds like your teacher/school has a political agenda.
It, in a purely grammatical since, could be A, B, or C. A) implies only one of them benefits, which doesn’t make sense in the context. B) implies nobody benefits, which makes even less sense in the context. C) implies everybody benefits, which is what anybody would do in that context. The question itself isn’t racist, but whoever is grading this paper might be.
There’s like one answer (D) that doesn’t make sense when put into the sentence. Also, just gathering from the question, you would assume that Turkey would want to paint itself in a good light, instead of just saying ‘yeah it’ll suck for everyone but you should let me join you.’
No lies detected. Turkey is a poophole.
Your teacher is a xenophobic idiot.
How would this question be racist?
'We want to join the EU and you should let us because it would suck for both us and you!"
Grammatically it can be technically be A, B or C. However C is to be presumed based on the context. Since the statement holds Turkey wants to join the EU, it makes sense to conclude that they find the benefits positive.
Türkiye, not Turkey
B is incorrect, "Turkey is fully commited to pursuing European Union membership and underlines that its accession to the union would benefit" basically means that Turkey wants to be in the EU and wants to say it'll be good for the EU and Turkey. C is the correct answer.
What in the Brexit hell is that?
Using geopolitical examples for a grammar test is just asking for confusion
Everybody is talking about B and C but what about D? D is grammatically wrong🤣. Let's go to the real point, op doesn't talk about the B option being correct is racist but the option itself is racist and shouldn't be in the options. If op thinks so then every multiple choice questions are racist or problematic in this sense.
B makes no sense. That would be like if someone was arguing why they should be allowed into a special club, and saying that them joining won't help the club and it won't help them, so they should join.
It's obviously C But why racist?
May I ask a question about E please. I thought the "also" in "not only... but also.." is ommitable? Or did I remember it wrong? I thought both sentences below would be correct. Not only Turkey but (also) EU would benefit from the move. The move would benefit not only Turkey but (also) EU..
So, where's the racism? If OO could elaborate on how any of these choices or the question is racist, I wouldn't think they were being a political drama queen quite so much. So step up, OP. Let's hear your logic. Not propaganda - logic, please.
As a Turk, im also confused
"In 2021 via the UN, Turkey changed its spelling to *Türkiye*." Türkiye is now the official English name of the country.
Is "underlines" correct? Should it be "undermines"? But even that doesn't work exactly.